Rosette Nebula in Monoceros in monochrome

The Rosette Nebula is around 5000 lightyears distant and approximately 130 lightyears across.

This image is the result of 2.5h of remote narrowband data capture from New Mexico, over two evenings in March 2022. An SBIG STL-11000 CCD camera was used, through a 4-inch Takahashi FSQ-ED.

This monochrome image was created from Hydrogen-alpha and Oxygen-III data, to show detail in the nebula.

Date: 12/03/2022

Photographer: Graham Wilcock

Rosette Nebula in Monoceros in monochrome

The Rosette Nebula is around 5000 lightyears distant and approximately 130 lightyears across.

This image is the result of 2.5h of remote narrowband data capture from New Mexico, over two evenings in March 2022. An SBIG STL-11000 CCD camera was used, through a 4-inch Takahashi FSQ-ED.

This monochrome image was created from Hydrogen-alpha and Oxygen-III data, to show detail in the nebula.

Date: 12/03/2022

Photographer: Graham Wilcock