Messier 3 in Canes Venatici

Messier 3 is approximately 34,000 lightyears distant, circling the Milky Way. It is one of the best globular clusters in the northern sky.

ZWO ASI294MC camera through a Teleskop-Service 8-inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope.

Date: 20/04/2019

Photographer: Graham Wilcock

Messier 3 in Canes Venatici

Messier 3 is approximately 34,000 lightyears distant, circling the Milky Way. It is one of the best globular clusters in the northern sky.

ZWO ASI294MC camera through a Teleskop-Service 8-inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope.

Date: 20/04/2019

Photographer: Graham Wilcock