Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina composite

Modified Canon 1100D through an Altair Astro Starwave 70mm ED refractor with AA Field Flattener.
A total of 39 x 2 min exposures at ISO 800.
This is a composite image, consisting of the stacked comet added to the separately-stacked background starfield.

North is to the top.
The brightest star in the FOV is to the bottom right of centre: HD25734 at mag 7.46, spectral class B9. The planetary nebula NGC 1501 (mag 12.0; 56 x 48 arcseconds in size) is to the right of this star. The central star can be clearly seen at the centre of the nebula, in the original image.

Date: 24/02/2016

Comet C/2013 US10 Catalina composite

Modified Canon 1100D through an Altair Astro Starwave 70mm ED refractor with AA Field Flattener.
A total of 39 x 2 min exposures at ISO 800.
This is a composite image, consisting of the stacked comet added to the separately-stacked background starfield.

North is to the top.
The brightest star in the FOV is to the bottom right of centre: HD25734 at mag 7.46, spectral class B9. The planetary nebula NGC 1501 (mag 12.0; 56 x 48 arcseconds in size) is to the right of this star. The central star can be clearly seen at the centre of the nebula, in the original image.

Date: 24/02/2016