Messier 42 Nebula in Orion

Modified Canon 1100D through an Altair Astro Starwave 70mm ED refractor with AA Field Flattener. A Hutech IDAS-LPS-V4 nebula filter was used.
A total of 33 x 2 min exposures at ISO 400.

North is to the left.
M42 (NGC 1976) is just to the right of centre and contains emission, reflection and dark nebulosity. M42 is approx 1300 lightyears distant and 24 lightyears in diameter. It is mag 4.0 and 65 x 60 arcminutes in size.

To the left of M42 is NGC 1977 The Running Man Nebula, containing both emission and reflection components.

Date: 14/01/2016

Messier 42 Nebula in Orion

Modified Canon 1100D through an Altair Astro Starwave 70mm ED refractor with AA Field Flattener. A Hutech IDAS-LPS-V4 nebula filter was used.
A total of 33 x 2 min exposures at ISO 400.

North is to the left.
M42 (NGC 1976) is just to the right of centre and contains emission, reflection and dark nebulosity. M42 is approx 1300 lightyears distant and 24 lightyears in diameter. It is mag 4.0 and 65 x 60 arcminutes in size.

To the left of M42 is NGC 1977 The Running Man Nebula, containing both emission and reflection components.

Date: 14/01/2016